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Тема: An Unbelievable For Many But Yet A Real Event

  1. #1
    веб-мастер портала Аватар для Vardan
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    An Unbelievable For Many But Yet A Real Event

    Good to see you! my greetings and good wishes to everyone.

    Many are familiar with Dr. Moody's book "Life After Death", but interestingly, similar stories have been published much earlier. So, for example, the story of K. Ikskul, recorded by Archbishop Nikon, was published in 1916 under the title “An Unbelievable For Many But Yet A Real Event”

    A real story about life, about serious illness and death, about the otherworldly afterlife, about a return to life and about miraculous healing. The dead body of K. Ikskul lay in the morgue for 36 hours (!). The doctors and all the medical staff witnessed everything that happened and were amazed at the miracle of his return to life and speedy healing.

    Read or download >> An Unbelievable For Many But Yet A Real Event - K. Ikskul.pdf

  2. #2
    Заслуженный ветеран
    1 сообщений
    An Unbelievable For Many But Yet A Real Event
    Who can explain why there are two indefinite articles in the phrase "An Unbelievable For Many But Yet A Real Event"?

  3. #3
    Опытный форумчанин Аватар для Елена П.
    Москва, Россия
    1 сообщений
    Цитата Сообщение от Vardan Посмотреть сообщение
    Good to see you! my greetings and good wishes to everyone.

    Many are familiar with Dr. Moody's book "Life After Death", but interestingly, similar stories have been published much earlier. So, for example, the story of K. Ikskul, recorded by Archbishop Nikon, was published in 1916 under the title “An Unbelievable For Many But Yet A Real Event”

    A real story about life, about serious illness and death, about the otherworldly afterlife, about a return to life and about miraculous healing. The dead body of K. Ikskul lay in the morgue for 36 hours (!). The doctors and all the medical staff witnessed everything that happened and were amazed at the miracle of his return to life and speedy healing.

    Read or download >> An Unbelievable For Many But Yet A Real Event - K. Ikskul.pdf
    Such an interesting topic (why in English, by the way?).

    I can state that such stories are not so rare thing on Earth. Lots of them happen with common people, but just a few becomes widely known.

    I personally know (and the most important thing is I know for sure that it's true) a similar story which happened to one my male friend. Now he is 58, but it happened to him when he was 21. He lived in one Siberian town and created a band. One day they had a rehearsal before amateur concert in one lonely place on the town's outskirts. They all 4 were young and not yet so cute, so for inspiration they used to drink some type of synthetic narcotic mix. That day Sergey did it and started to play guitar. Suddenly he felt strange insult, than he stopped to feel his arms & hands & feet, than he started to loose ability to see, fell down and than came a terrifying thing: he realised that he was being very slowly but surely... pulled out of himself!

    Yes, he explained to me in this way: it was the feeling similar to those when
    you try to open the champagne bottle. You pull the cork out of the bottle, but you do it
    in several attempts, abruptly, step by step. The cork "does not want" to be pulled out, it wants to stay in the bottle neck,
    but you need the wine and keep pulling the cork until it is out. What happened to Sergey was very similar, but without "attempts",
    it was pulling him out of him namely surely and slowly, so it was clear that pulling out is absolutely unavoidable. During this Sergey
    felt terrific horror... But when he was finally "pulled out" he felt... incredible freedom and happiness. What happened then I will not
    describe here (not a point), but just will say that Sergey returned back. He woke up in the morgue of course and after... 4 earth hours
    out of body. Happily, his parents were far away and it was in late 1970-th without any cell phones, so they were not notified yet.
    But reaction of medical staff who witnessed this miracle of resurrection is not a subject to be described. One woman fainted Sergey said,
    two male doctors were deeply drunk so it was easier for them. So Sergey managed to sort all this, found some clothes and just left
    for home.

    Why it is not worldwidely known? Because such things happen sometimes and not so rarely, and only some cases are written about
    so wide people masses can know about them.

    Еще вчера все мои невзгоды казались мне такими далекими... (с). Битлз.

  4. #4
    Страна или город
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    Цитата Сообщение от Елена П. Посмотреть сообщение
    Such an interesting topic (why in English, by the way?).

    I can state that such stories are not so rare thing on Earth. Lots of them happen with common people, but just a few becomes widely known.

    I personally know (and the most important thing is I know for sure that it's true) a similar story which happened to one my male friend. Now he is 58, but it happened to him when he was 21. He lived in one Siberian town and created a band. One day they had a rehearsal before amateur concert in one lonely place on the town's outskirts. They all 4 were young and not yet so cute, so for inspiration they used to drink some type of synthetic narcotic mix. That day Sergey did it and started to play guitar. Suddenly he felt strange insult, than he stopped to feel his arms & hands & feet, than he started to loose ability to see, fell down and than came a terrifying thing: he realised that he was being very slowly but surely... pulled out of himself!

    Yes, he explained to me in this way: it was the feeling similar to those when
    you try to open the champagne bottle. You pull the cork out of the bottle, but you do it
    in several attempts, abruptly, step by step. The cork "does not want" to be pulled out, it wants to stay in the bottle neck,
    but you need the wine and keep pulling the cork until it is out. What happened to Sergey was very similar, but without "attempts",
    it was pulling him out of him namely surely and slowly, so it was clear that pulling out is absolutely unavoidable. During this Sergey
    felt terrific horror... But when he was finally "pulled out" he felt... incredible freedom and happiness. What happened then I will not
    describe here (not a point), but just will say that Sergey returned back. He woke up in the morgue of course and after... 4 earth hours
    out of body. Happily, his parents were far away and it was in late 1970-th without any cell phones, so they were not notified yet.
    But reaction of medical staff who witnessed this miracle of resurrection is not a subject to be described. One woman fainted Sergey said,
    two male doctors were deeply drunk so it was easier for them. So Sergey managed to sort all this, found some clothes and just left
    for home.

    Why it is not worldwidely known? Because such things happen sometimes and not so rarely, and only some cases are written about
    so wide people masses can know about them.

    Вы уже прочитали 29 Слово, из Лествицы, где говорится о бесстрастии?

  5. #5
    Заслуженный ветеран Аватар для Семён Семёныч
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    Цитата Сообщение от Елена П. Посмотреть сообщение

    Why it is not worldwidely known? Because such things happen sometimes and not so rarely, and only some cases are written about
    so wide people masses can know about them. [/COLOR][/CENTER]
    because there are much more significant things happening in the world and in faith, I doubt that journalists would not have interviewed Sergei if they had become aware of this case.

  6. #6
    веб-мастер портала Аватар для Vardan
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    Цитата Сообщение от Елена П. Посмотреть сообщение
    Such an interesting topic (why in English, by the way?).
    Hello, and thanks for your attention to this topic.
    This translation was made especially for our friends who read in English.

    Цитата Сообщение от Елена П. Посмотреть сообщение
    I can state that such stories are not so rare thing on Earth. Lots of them happen with common people, but just a few becomes widely known.
    I personally know (and the most important thing is I know for sure that it's true) a similar story which happened to one my male friend. Now he is 58, but it happened to him when he was 21. He lived in one Siberian town and created a band. One day they had a rehearsal before amateur concert in one lonely place on the town's outskirts. They all 4 were young and not yet so cute, so for inspiration they used to drink some type of synthetic narcotic mix. That day Sergey did it and started to play guitar. Suddenly he felt strange insult, than he stopped to feel his arms & hands & feet, than he started to loose ability to see, fell down and than came a terrifying thing: he realised that he was being very slowly but surely... pulled out of himself!

    Yes, he explained to me in this way: it was the feeling similar to those when
    you try to open the champagne bottle. You pull the cork out of the bottle, but you do it
    in several attempts, abruptly, step by step. The cork "does not want" to be pulled out, it wants to stay in the bottle neck,
    but you need the wine and keep pulling the cork until it is out. What happened to Sergey was very similar, but without "attempts",
    it was pulling him out of him namely surely and slowly, so it was clear that pulling out is absolutely unavoidable. During this Sergey
    felt terrific horror... But when he was finally "pulled out" he felt... incredible freedom and happiness. What happened then I will not
    describe here (not a point), but just will say that Sergey returned back. He woke up in the morgue of course and after... 4 earth hours
    out of body. Happily, his parents were far away and it was in late 1970-th without any cell phones, so they were not notified yet.
    But reaction of medical staff who witnessed this miracle of resurrection is not a subject to be described. One woman fainted Sergey said,
    two male doctors were deeply drunk so it was easier for them. So Sergey managed to sort all this, found some clothes and just left
    for home.

    Why it is not worldwidely known? Because such things happen sometimes and not so rarely, and only some cases are written about
    so wide people masses can know about them.

    Thank you, and your story is very interesting.

    During the period in which these events took place, such stories were not allowed to be published freely.

  7. #7
    Опытный форумчанин Аватар для Елена П.
    Москва, Россия
    1 сообщений
    Цитата Сообщение от Денис Васильевич Посмотреть сообщение
    Вы уже прочитали 29 Слово, из Лествицы, где говорится о бесстрастии?
    Not yet... But I will.
    Еще вчера все мои невзгоды казались мне такими далекими... (с). Битлз.

  8. #8
    Опытный форумчанин Аватар для Елена П.
    Москва, Россия
    1 сообщений
    Цитата Сообщение от Семён Семёныч Посмотреть сообщение
    because there are much more significant things happening in the world and in faith, I doubt that journalists would not have interviewed Sergei if they had become aware of this case.
    Nobody were notified or this even became subject of publicity. Sergey just pulled on some dirty trousers and run away for home (who is able to enjoy staying in morgues???), that's it. Nobody from medical staff approached him afer that, that fainted medical women obviously woke up and decided not to make this case subject for exploration and a couple of males in the morgue were deeply drunk as I mentioned above.

    The idea of the story is not to make Sergey now after almost 40 years a "once died and reincarnated celebrity", all I want to say is that such things HAPPEN, not to each second of course, but not to one in a million too. People die and than come back (resurrected by... guess by Whom ).
    Еще вчера все мои невзгоды казались мне такими далекими... (с). Битлз.

  9. #9
    Заслуженный ветеран Аватар для Семён Семёныч
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    Цитата Сообщение от Елена П. Посмотреть сообщение

    The idea of the story is not to make Sergey now after almost 40 years a "once died and reincarnated celebrity", all I want to say is that such things HAPPEN, not to each second of course, but not to one in a million too. People die and than come back (resurrected by... guess by Whom ).
    God is natural, because there is no one else.

  10. #10
    Заслуженный ветеран Аватар для Heruvimos
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    Цитата Сообщение от Елена П. Посмотреть сообщение
    Nobody were notified or this even became subject of publicity. Sergey just pulled on some dirty trousers and run away for home (who is able to enjoy staying in morgues???), that's it. Nobody from medical staff approached him afer that, that fainted medical women obviously woke up and decided not to make this case subject for exploration and a couple of males in the morgue were deeply drunk as I mentioned above.

    The idea of the story is not to make Sergey now after almost 40 years a "once died and reincarnated celebrity", all I want to say is that such things HAPPEN, not to each second of course, but not to one in a million too. People die and than come back (resurrected by... guess by Whom ).
    Российские патологоанатомы объяснили оживание «умерших» пациентов

    «Умершие» пациенты могут оживать из-за того, что врачи халатно отнеслись к своим обязанностям и не провели тесты для точной констатации смерти. Об этом заявил патологоанатом Михаил Лериковский, передает «Газета.ру».
    Лериковский объяснил, что врачи должны проверить наличие сердцебиения и пульса у пациента, а тесты должна контролировать комиссия из трех человек. Он добавил, что, согласно приказу Минздрава №460, основанием для признания человека умершим становится диагноз о смерти мозга. Он ставится с помощью электроэнцефалограммы (ЭЭГ), которая фиксирует мозговую активность в виде графического изображения. Электрическое молчание мозга должно сохраняться не менее 30 минут, чтобы зафиксировать смерть. В случае сомнений ЭЭГ делается повторно.
    Лериковский добавил, что не во всех больницах есть необходимое оборудование. В таком случае для подтверждения диагноза пациента обязаны разместить в палате или на территории больницы в течение двух часов до появления трупных пятен и окоченения. Главное — не отправлять тело сразу в морг, так как пониженная температура замедляет появление естественных признаков смерти.
    Патологоанатом одного из Волгоградских моргов Константин Михайлюк рассказал, что особенные состояния организма не влияют на постановку ложной смерти. В его практике было несколько случаев подобного воскрешения, в одном из них оказалось, что мертвый по всем признакам человек был очень пьян. По его словам, в таком состоянии организм может сильно замедлить процессы жизнедеятельности вплоть до того, что пульс и сердцебиение не будут прощупываться. Он добавил, что в моргах большой поток и некоторые больницы не перепроверяют показатели, а констатируют смерть.
    Еще одной причиной ошибки может стать тяжелая кома или «летаргическая смерть», сказал Михайлюк. В таком состоянии человек становится неподвижен, жизненные функции снижаются, а температура тела падает. Он объяснил это защитной реакцией организма на стресс как внешний, так и внутренний — тело пытается выиграть время для помощи, и такое состояние может длиться долгое время.
    17 августа в Курской области женщина очнулась в морге после того, как ее приняли за мертвую. Она попала в больницу с болями в животе и после нескольких процедур медики констатировали ее смерть, но на следующее утро работник морга увидел, что она жива. Ее перевели в областную больницу в тяжелом состоянии. 19 августа стало известно, что женщина умерла в больнице, ей планировали сделать еще одну операцию.

  11. #11
    Опытный форумчанин Аватар для Елена П.
    Москва, Россия
    1 сообщений
    Not a point, Heruvimos, в смысле, не совсем в кассу моего повествования.

    В моем про то, что Серега сам, самолично точно знал, что отходил в мир иной, и ему в ходе некоторого диалога с мы Сами Понимаем Кем бы предложен выбор: вернуться и дожить эти отведенные ему тут годы, либо все, прямо тогда в 21 год уж навсегда туда, и вот Серега выбрал еще пожить, и Бог его возвернул.
    Вы же пишете про то, что врачи часто ошибаются и путают клин. смерть с полной и окончательной. Так, как Вы пишете, тоже бывает, конечно.
    И тут, в этой теме, вроде по-англицки писать полагается.

    Heruvimos, do you speak English?
    Еще вчера все мои невзгоды казались мне такими далекими... (с). Битлз.

  12. #12
    веб-мастер портала Аватар для Vardan
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    Российские патологоанатомы объяснили ...
    If the opinion of pathologists is more important to you, then everything is clear with you.

  13. #13
    Заслуженный ветеран Аватар для Heruvimos
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    If the opinion of pathologists is more important to you, then everything is clear with you.
    Если вы вместо реальности выбрали выдумки то с вами намного яснее.

  14. #14
    Заслуженный ветеран Аватар для Heruvimos
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    Цитата Сообщение от Елена П. Посмотреть сообщение
    Not a point, Heruvimos, в смысле, не совсем в кассу моего повествования.

    В моем про то, что Серега сам, самолично точно знал, что отходил в мир иной, и ему в ходе некоторого диалога с мы Сами Понимаем Кем бы предложен выбор: вернуться и дожить эти отведенные ему тут годы, либо все, прямо тогда в 21 год уж навсегда туда, и вот Серега выбрал еще пожить, и Бог его возвернул.
    Вы же пишете про то, что врачи часто ошибаются и путают клин. смерть с полной и окончательной. Так, как Вы пишете, тоже бывает, конечно.
    И тут, в этой теме, вроде по-англицки писать полагается.

    Heruvimos, do you speak English?
    Зачем по английски то? Для пущей значимости? Мне русский нравится. Я написал про то, что это не было воскресение, а комментировать то, что случилось с мозгом, и соответственно фантазией, моего тески, в условиях гипоксии, я не собирался. У вас в нормальном состоянии фантазия ключем бьёт, стоит ли удивляться, что вам может привидится в условиях кислородного голодания. А если это был реальный разговор с Богом, что я не собираюсь допускать, то и в этом случае это не было воскресение, так как разговор такой мог состоятся только с живым, а никак не с мёртвым Сергеем.
    Последний раз редактировалось Heruvimos; 23.05.2024 в 17:24.

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