@Инна Бор Sorry I didn't see your messages until now.

Did you notice that our forum has a special English sub-division?
This can be useful for both Russian and English speakers in their international communications. Let's improve our English skills and especially spiritual vocabulary, words and expressions. And English speakers could improve their Russian skills, find some help and useful materials if they are interested in Christianity. Inna, for example you could help people all around the world to better understand the world of Russian-speaking Orthodoxy. Isn't it an exciting opportunity?

Prayer is a good basis for any initiative. So, it is good to know The Our Father and other prayers in both Russian and English.

I used table element to format the bilingual prayer. It's not a screenshot, it is a text. You can copy and paste it into any text editor of your choice to print it out if you prefer to have a hard copy to memorize the prayer. If you also want to add a prayer using table element - you can find table management controls on the third row of the buttons on the new message form.

God bless you!