Symbols 10, 11, 12 - are the gifts of the Three Wise Kings (5): gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Matthew 2:11  And they came into the house and saw the young child with Mary his mother; and they fell down and worshipped him; and opening their treasures they offered unto him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.

Kings on the icon are showing their great respect to Jesus Christ because they are wise and already have recognized the King of Kings in Him. Somehow they understood that His birth is the greatest event in the world history and they left their homes for a long trip in order to deliver Him these very symbolic presents. "Symbolic presents" means that these gifts are not just some cool things for practical goals only, which allow you to get a great pleasure or some extra benefits using them. "Symbolic" means that a gift also has a special non-obvious, sacral meaning.

10. Gold. It's in a treasure chest in the hands of the youngest King, who is on the left. Well, a practical meaning of the gift is obvious - money allows parents of Jesus to buy whatever they need. They have to immigrate to a different country because a king in their country was going to kill Jesus. Non-obvious sacral meaning of the symbol is the fact that Gold is a traditional gift for Kings. So this way the Wise Men are proclaiming that they recognized Jesus as the King.

11. Frankincense. This word is build as a sum "frank /high quality/" + "incense /an aromatic tree resin/". In our days frankincense may look like this one:


On the icon it is in an ancient amphora in the hands of oldest King. The practical value of frankincense is that when burned it produces a pleasant sweet smell. Sacral meaning of the symbol - incense was used by priests in Jewish religion rituals. So the Kings are also proclaiming that they recognize Jesus Christ as the High-priest.

12. Myrrh. It is in an elegant vessel held by the third Magi. Myrrр is a bitter tree oil. It was used in an ancient medicine and also when a person died, sometimes he was embalmed using myrrh, which prevented the body from smoldering. Sacral meaning - Jesus is a healer and He triumphs over death.

So all together the gifts are not just a set of very valuable things, but also the proclamation of the Three Wise Men that Jesus is the King of Kings, the High Priest and the Conqueror of death.