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Тема: What happiness is

  1. #1
    веб-мастер портала Аватар для Vardan
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    Exclamation What happiness is

    People wish each other happiness on various occasions, for example, on the New Year, but what is happiness? How can one define it?
    Modern man’s concept of happiness has not changed much since primitive times, the happiness is when I acquire more material things from others, and unhappiness is when others take my property from me.


    Even if we leave aside the morality of this concept, it is still flawed in its essence because no matter how much property, power, public recognition, and pleasures we amass, it will not bring us happiness. Material objects cannot bring true happiness, only taedium vitae, after which a person is overcome by depression even more than before.
    It is interesting to note that the word «happiness,» – «tikhi,» in ancient Greek, appears very rarely in the Holy Scriptures, and not once in the New Testament. The term is too broad and is inexact. On its own it has no meaning. Instead, the Scriptures use another more clear and specific term, «joy,» («khara» in ancient Greek) which is one of the components of happiness.

    Christ says the following about joy: «… that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.» He also indicates where this joy comes from: «If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my father’s commandments, and abide in his love» (John 15: 10 – 11). Here we have the answer to the age-old question. True happiness, true joy, is God’s love, and being with Him. This is completely confirmed by St. Paul when he says: «For the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost» (Romans 14:17). John adds this: «…and your joy no man taketh from you» (John 16:22). This means, nothing and no one – neither suffering, nor deprivation, nor persecution, not even death itself.

    This is well understood by those who have solved for themselves the centuries-old problem of humanity, and who have found happiness: the Christian saints and those who please God, past and present. Yet their behavior is puzzling to others. The ancient Romans couldn’t understand why Christians were so joyous. Contemporary heathens, most of whom nominally think of themselves as Christians, ask the same question.
    There exists a wide-spread, sentimental, romantic, Western European notion, which is often offered as an answer to this question, which goes something like this: that because in the ancient world people had little understanding of what happens after death, people feared death, and Christians espoused the soothing idea that people will live after death, that Christ has saved everyone, forgiven everyone, and promised everyone eternal life and heavenly bliss, and that this is the reason why Christians are so joyous. This notion, in one form or another is very common, but it is completely inaccurate.

    In fact, Christ did not at all promise heavenly bliss. Frequently Christ gives frightening warnings: «…there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth…,» (Matthew 24:51), «…Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels» (Matthew 25:41). «And these shall go away into everlasting punishment…» (Matthew 25:46). Furthermore, St. Peter, speaking of the terrible danger of eternal suffering hanging over us, reminds us that even the righteous barely save themselves, and that the impious and sinful almost never do (1 Peter 4:18).
    Another notion, originating in Protestantism, which is quite common amongst liberally inclined Christians is that the gloomy concept of the after-life and the difficulty of salvation is a product of a later era, of «gloomy, joyless, ascetics/monks,» and that in the ancient, initial Christianity there predominated a «bright mood, and an understanding that one’s salvation derived alone from one’s belief in Christ.» Those who believe this are inventing their own version of Christianity, with no basis or confirmation either in the Gospels, or the Epistles, or in ancient Christian history.

    For example, read the early Christian book by «Pastor» Erma, a writer of the 1st century, and you will see how demanding early Christians were regarding salvation and how clearly they understood that the slightest hint of immorality puts a person at risk of eternal death. This book is written with the pathos of the frightening words of the church song – «the suffering of the sinful is limitless.» This was even more true regarding pureness of faith and loyalty to the Church.
    Therefore, a Christian viewpoint might seem much less cheerful than a pagan one. Pagans have a «kingdom of shadows» after life, not very clearly defined, and of which one can form the most varied of conceptions. At one extreme one has the «Elysian Fields,» a kingdom of bliss, which are quite easy to enter. At the gloomy end of the spectrum one has the concept of nothingness, of complete destruction after death. To quote Socrates, «Since I didn’t suffer before appearing on this earth, it follows that I won’t suffer when I leave it.»

    If you compare this with the awful picture of eternal suffering and hell and you see that the liberal view on the reasons for the joyousness of the first Christians is essentially flawed. And nonetheless, that Christian joy was and still is. It shines brightly in each line of the lives of the martyrs and ascetics (podvizhniki), and glows still in the lives of monks and in Christian families. In fact, it alone deserves this term. And the more spiritual a person is, the more clear and perfect his joy is. This joy, this bright world-view never left the early Christians, even during suffering, and at death’s door.
    What then is the source of this joy? The answer, of course, it is faith. But not in the way Protestants understand it. It is not a formal, lifeless, faith, absent of heroic spiritual effort (podvig) (after all, even «demons believe and tremble») rather it is an animating, active faith which lives in a pure heart and is warmed by God’s grace, a faith burning with love for God, and strengthening hope in Him. As one modern Christian writer put it so well, «It is not enough to believe in God, one must believe Him too.» The lines from the litany: «Let us entrust ourselves, and each other, and all our life to Christ our God» properly describe true Christian faith. It is a full, trusting, filial entrustment of oneself into God’s hands. This is, and has always been, what opens the doors to true joy, to true happiness.

    If a Christian trusts God, then he is prepared to accept anything from him: heaven or hell, suffering or bliss, for he knows that God is infinitely good. When he punishes us, it is for our sake. He loves us so much that he will move heaven and earth to save us. He won’t betray us, not even for the best reasons, and will certainly save us, if at all possible. As St. Augustine put it, «The only refuge from God’s anger is God’s favour.»
    With this kind of understanding, joy and light firmly inhabit the heart of a Christian, and there is no room for gloom. The world, the boundless universe belongs to my God. No event, from the smallest to the greatest can occur without His will, and He loves me infinitely. Even here on earth he allows me to enter His kingdom, His holy Church. He will never drive me from His kingdom, as long as I am faithful to Him. What is more, if I fall, he will pick me up as soon as I realize my sin and offer tears of repentence. That is why I trust my salvation and the salvation of not only my loved ones, but of all people, to God’s hands.

    Death is not frightening, it has been defeated by Christ. Hell and eternal suffering await those who consciously and by their own free will turn from God, who prefer the gloom of sin to the light of His love. Joy and eternal blessedness await the faithful. «Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him» (1Cor. 2:9).

    Let ever-merciful God help us achieve full trust in Him. Lord rejuvenate us who pray to Thee!

    author - archbishop Nathanial
    * Translated by Charles Bausman. Holy Trinity Orthodox Mission, Canada

  2. 1 пользователь сказал cпасибо Vardan за это полезное сообщение::

  3. #2
    Заслуженный ветеран
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    Цитата Сообщение от Vardan Посмотреть сообщение
    Material objects cannot bring true happiness, only taedium vitae, after which a person is overcome by depression even more than before.
    It depends on whether "the person" is from "this world" or not.

    Those who are "from this world" are completely satisfied with what the world gives them.

    There is no any depression in them because it is constantly being overcome by their enjoying something new the world is giving them.

  4. 2 пользователей сказали cпасибо air за это полезное сообщение:

  5. #3
    Заслуженный ветеран
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    Цитата Сообщение от Vardan Посмотреть сообщение
    If a Christian trusts God, then he is prepared to accept anything from him: heaven or hell, suffering or bliss, for he knows that God is infinitely good.
    That's true.

    The following prayer of Dimitriy Rostovskiy also reflects the same idea:

    Save me, my Savior, by Your goodness, not by my deeds! You want to save me, You know how to save me: save me as you want, as you can, as you know: Save me in the ways You know! I trust in You, my Lord, and I entrust myself to Your Holy will: do with me what you want! If you want to see me in the light: be blessed. If you want to see me in the dark: be blessed again. If you open the doors of Your mercy to me, it is good and good for me, If you close the doors of Your mercy to me, blessed is He who closed the doors to me in truth. If you do not destroy me with my iniquities, glory to Your immeasurable mercy. If you destroy me with my iniquities, glory to Your just judgment: and as soon as you want, arrange the work of my salvation!

  6. 2 пользователей сказали cпасибо air за это полезное сообщение:

  7. #4
    веб-мастер портала Аватар для Vardan
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    Цитата Сообщение от Sergey Raisky Посмотреть сообщение
    It depends on whether "the person" is from "this world" or not.

    Those who are "from this world" are completely satisfied with what the world gives them.

    There is no any depression in them because it is constantly being overcome by their enjoying something new the world is giving them.
    Hello and thank you for your comment, dear Sergey Raisky!

    There is a lot of beauty in the world, there are also illnesses, death, and other negative aspects. And so stress and depression are inevitable.

  8. #5
    Заслуженный ветеран
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    Hello and thank you for your comment, dear Sergey Raisky!

    There is a lot of beauty in the world, there are also illnesses, death, and other negative aspects. And so stress and depression are inevitable.
    There are a lot of ways to cure illnesses and depression by different types of mental and physical activities. People of this world don't necessarily need God to meet the challenge of their problems. They trust themselves and their actions are based on their own will.

    For example, as to depression it is successfully cured by psychotherapists.

    God is needed for happiness only by the chosen ones who go along the so called "narrow path". But there is a scarcity of such people living in the world. And it's better to call them "blessed" instead of "happy".

  9. 1 пользователь сказал cпасибо air за это полезное сообщение::

  10. #6
    Опытный форумчанин Аватар для Zeton
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    Hi, folks!

    Yep, "don't worry, be happy" might work as a nice cure too, innit?

    Folks kinda use it to comfort themselves. This too:

    "Come on, pal, look on the bright sight, don't get panicky - life's goin' on!"

    And, guys, don't you underestimate "this world" people.

    They've got heaps of stuff and enough guts to struggle this world with. They are no suckers, no way.

    They are fighters and they know what they're fighting for. And they love to fight too - 'cos fight makes 'em stronger. They're this wize, they know it.

    These warriers of this world are well-equipped, they've got it all to survive and win the fight for their impeccability. Death as their best adviser and intent as their weapon - that's all they need. To be alive too.

    "When you're broken and beaten and life's a shit just think of that: you're not dead, man, you're alive an' so you can act, you can fight!" And they fight! For their life, for their impeccability...

    They don't think they deserve eternity. No. They don't go that far. One life spent in fight is best award and good enough for'em to make them happy and blessed.

    "Don't worry, be happy...with your impeccability".
    Последний раз редактировалось Zeton; 21.06.2022 в 16:12.

  11. #7
    Заслуженный ветеран
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    And, guys, don't you underestimate "this world" people.

    They've got heaps of stuff and enough guts to struggle this world with.
    That's precisely what differs "this world" people from the christians who don't struggle this world but wrestle against spiritual wickedness which is in the heart of man after his eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

  12. 1 пользователь сказал cпасибо air за это полезное сообщение::

  13. #8
    Опытный форумчанин Аватар для Zeton
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    Цитата Сообщение от Sergey Raisky Посмотреть сообщение
    That's precisely what differs "this world" people from the christians who don't struggle this world but wrestle against spiritual wickedness which is in the heart of man after his eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
    Not quite, if we're talking about warriors of this world, not the man on the street. Warriors are after impeccability, ordinary person is after sense gratification.Their modus vivende is utterly different. Warriors are experts of life, ordinary person is a neophyte.

    The warriors are struggling this world in the sense that this world is challenging their honesty, fidelity and integrity.They take up this challenge and live this challenge.

    They live like saints without being saints. Immortality makes no sense to them for they live "here and now". Any moment of life may turn out the last one so each action, thought and feeling should be the best one. No place for doubts and regrets. Do the best, that's all. This is what impeccability means.

    The warriors of this world do not consider themselves a VIP, consequently they do not expect any special treatment from anybody including Higher Powers. They're no burden. They are humble so they treat everyone as equal, be it a stone, an insect, a tree, an animal, or a human being.

    To be a warrior is the most effective way of life.

    And that's where his happiness comes in.
    Последний раз редактировалось Zeton; 21.06.2022 в 20:49.

  14. #9
    Заслуженный ветеран
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    Not quite, if we're talking about warriors of this world, not the man on the street. Warriors are after impeccability, ordinary person is after sense gratification.Their modus vivende is utterly different. Warriors are experts of life, ordinary person is a neophyte.

    The warriors are struggling this world in the sense that this world is challenging their honesty, fidelity and integrity.They take up this challenge and live this challenge.

    They live like saints without being saints. Immortality makes no sense to them for they live "here and now". Any moment of life may turn out the last one so each action, thought and feeling should be the best one. No place for doubts and regrets. Do the best, that's all. This is what impeccability means.

    The warriors of this world do not consider themselves a VIP, consequently they do not expect any special treatment from anybody including Higher Powers. They're no burden. They are humble so they treat everyone as equal, be it a stone, an insect, a tree, an animal, or a human being.

    To be a warrior is the most effective way of life.

    And that's where his happiness comes in.
    Could you explain more concretely what the warriors of this world struggle against while struggling the world? What precisely challenges their honesty, fidelity and integrity?

    And may be it would be expedient that you should bring up a concrete example of such a warrior.

  15. #10
    Опытный форумчанин Аватар для Zeton
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    Цитата Сообщение от Sergey Raisky Посмотреть сообщение
    Could you explain more concretely what the warriors of this world struggle against while struggling the world? What precisely challenges their honesty, fidelity and integrity?

    And may be it would be expedient that you should bring up a concrete example of such a warrior.
    "Struggling the world" is just a way of speaking. Actually the warriors are struggling for their impeccability this world being a means to strengthen their spirit.

    Anything can challenge man's honesty, fidelity and integrity. Like a good run-in with his missus . This world is a tricky thing.

    The warrior should be honest with himself, it takes courage, be true to his path, it takes faith, and keep his integrity, it takes knowledge.

    The most vivid example of a warrior for me is me.

    The warrior's path is a practical way.

    There's no other way to learn what it is to be a warrior but become one.

  16. #11
    Заслуженный ветеран
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    Actually the warriors are struggling for their impeccability this world being a means to strengthen their spirit.
    Impeccability is the absence of sin.
    Apostle John claims that one who conciders himself to be impeccable is a liar:

    KJV 1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

  17. #12
    Опытный форумчанин Аватар для Zeton
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    Impeccability is the absence of sin.
    Apostle John claims that one who conciders himself to be impeccable is a liar:

    KJV 1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
    Sure it depends

    For Mr.John the Apostle impeccability is the absense of sin.

    For Warriors impecability means "doing the best one can under the circumstances".

    There's no point for a warrior to lie to himself. It's sheer stupidness and cowardness. A warrior is not built that way.

  18. #13
    читатель Аватар для Denis Protestant
    Россия, Ессентуки
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    Happiness is being content with what you have and where you are and what you can do.
    Not to demand more than what was given and is given to you by God.
    God knows better what you want, not the other way around.

  19. #14
    Опытный форумчанин Аватар для Zeton
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    Happiness is being content with what you have and where you are and what you can do.
    Not to demand more than what was given and is given to you by God.
    God knows better what you want, not the other way around.
    Yep, whatever you have, wherever you are and whatever you can do, you can serve God right here and right now. And all you actually need is surrender.

  20. 1 пользователь сказал cпасибо Zeton за это полезное сообщение::

  21. #15
    Заслуженный ветеран Аватар для look
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    I suggest in all topics to duplicate your messages in English

  22. #16
    читатель Аватар для Denis Protestant
    Россия, Ессентуки
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    Цитата Сообщение от look Посмотреть сообщение
    I suggest in all topics to duplicate your messages in English
    Whaddya mean, dude?

  23. #17
    Заслуженный ветеран Аватар для look
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    Цитата Сообщение от Denis Protestant Посмотреть сообщение
    Whaddya mean
    all messages must be translated into English. and there is no need to translate those who look at us from abroad

    Цитата Сообщение от Denis Protestant Посмотреть сообщение

  24. #18
    читатель Аватар для Denis Protestant
    Россия, Ессентуки
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    Цитата Сообщение от look Посмотреть сообщение
    all messages must be translated into English. and there is no need to translate those who look at us from abroad

    Must they?
    Maybe, not all of'em in fact...some

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