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Could you explain more concretely what the warriors of this world struggle against while struggling the world? What precisely challenges their honesty, fidelity and integrity?

And may be it would be expedient that you should bring up a concrete example of such a warrior.
"Struggling the world" is just a way of speaking. Actually the warriors are struggling for their impeccability this world being a means to strengthen their spirit.

Anything can challenge man's honesty, fidelity and integrity. Like a good run-in with his missus . This world is a tricky thing.

The warrior should be honest with himself, it takes courage, be true to his path, it takes faith, and keep his integrity, it takes knowledge.

The most vivid example of a warrior for me is me.

The warrior's path is a practical way.

There's no other way to learn what it is to be a warrior but become one.